Friday, May 8, 2009

Parties and joy

The Columbia Museum of Art

After plenty of confusion about whether or not Mr. M was going to be able to join me yesterday evening (new business + new client= mind boggling hours), he was able to break away and accompany me to a cocktail party.  I was so happy that he was able to carve a couple of hours out, even if we did have to take two cars.  Work on the new version of the blog, activities with Jr. (who, just after I purchased a 126 pack of diapers announced that he was ready to use the potty), and other surprises had pushed a lot of things out of my day.  As a result, I didn't post anything here and I never made it to VanJean to pick up the dress I meant to wear last night.

Going to the party on Mr. M's arm certainly made up for the day's muck-ups.  It was a cocktail party for supporters of the Columbia Museum of Art that was at the home of a local writer and professor.  I believe that her backyard may be one of the most serene places in Columbia.  The green of the gardens surrounding the pool immediately relaxed our shoulders, and the view of the lake had people staring out instead of at each other during many conversations.  It was absolutely beautiful!  All pools should overlook a body of water, I think.

Once Mr. M and I parted ways so that he could get back to work, I came home to do a little light reading with the tv on in the background.  At one point a looked up to find Michael J. Fox touring Bhoutan and learning about their government department dedicated to Gross National Happiness.  The head of the department stated that joy is a part of citizenship.  Don't you agree?  We don't put forth our best without joy in our lives, do we?  People these days aren't engaging in enough physical activity, the arts, or just plain undirected joy.  Maybe we need to take a page from Bhoutan's book!

Happy weekend, everyone!  Find your joy this weekend!

1 comment:

  1. vanya eftimova bellingerMay 8, 2009 at 11:28 AM

    I am new here, but yes, I think in the States there is not enough holidays or acts of collective celebration. It's one of the things I miss. I know that the 60 holidays in my adopted country Germany is way over the top and actually I was almost starving two-three times not knowing about the holidays - literary everything was closed.

    But still, when we celebrate together, when we have the organized ritual celebration it's more like giving time to enjoy, concentrating on the pleasures. Seriously, otherwise a holiday means spending the day in pajamas on the couch.

    I don't mean now the big parades in front of Kremlin. Just a walk in the park with music is enough. Or picnic at the lake....

    Although right now I am starting to enjoy Columbia - the Urban tour yesterday, the Artista Vista... we need more of this!
